2017 Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

- For the Green Thumb: These Ecocubes come in 5 different flower options, making picking one out simple! The cube is made from renewable New Zealand pine, and they are easy to grow! If you’re Valentine loves to garden, or has an affinity for flowers, this is the perfect token of love.
- For the Bibliophile: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” If your partner always has their nose in a book, enjoys writing, or generally loves to create, this Babalu Favorite Poems Coloring Book is a thoughtful, beloved gift.
- For the Busy Bee: Slow down! Give the gift of luxury with our Shanghai robe. The silky feel and beautiful floral patterns exude sweet romance and relaxation.
- For the World Traveler: Remind your sweetie of a memory with a Hey! Cool Wallet! foreign currency wallet. Whether you went to a honeymoon in Germany, or did an exchange student program in France, we have a wallet that will spark visions of adventure. Folded coated canvas, stitched by hand, and made to last!
Virginia Hill
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